In the Name of Allah the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful


Collected Works of The Muslim Shiite Scholar and Thinker: Allāma Hājj Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husaynī Tihrānī


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The Seventh Volume

(GHADIR: 2- The Propaganda Verse – the Tradition of Guardianship)


The most important subjects and the selected titles

  1. The features of the Day of Ghadir: the Assignment of the Commander of the Believers, upon Him be Peace, as the certain Guardian upon the Whole Nation

  2. The announcement of the Guardianship of the Commander of the believers, upon Him be Peace, in the course of the Prophet-hood

  3. The different cases of Omar’s obvious objections against the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants,

  4. Omar’s opinion concerning the Imamate is as the opinion of Makiawel

  5. The prophets' chastity is not inconsistent with their choice

  6. The difficulties and subsequent of tolerating the Guardianship

  7. The calamities and seditions that befell the Commander of the believers, upon Him be Peace, after the demise of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants,

  8. The explanation of the great and historical event of Ghadir-e-Khum and the sermons of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants,

  9. Discussion and investigation on the occasions of revelation and the substance of the Propaganda Verse

  10. Discussion and investigation on the document and the substance of the tradition narrative of the Guardianship: ‘Whoever I am Master, so is Ali his Master

  11. Enjoining to the Guardianship is according to laws and intellect

  12. Proving the rights of the Commander of the believers through the history

  13. The narrators, historians, relaters, orators, and the writers who have related the event of the Ghadir-e-Khum; as well as the books have recorded and the elegies are composed in this field

  14. To investigate the real meaning of the word for the Protector and the Guardian, and the instance of the use  and the purpose of  the "Protector" in the Event of Ghadir

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Table of Contents

Lesson 91-93: The Assignment of the Commander of the Believers, Upon Him be Peace, as the Guardian upon the Whole Nation in Ghadir-e-Khum

  • The 'Ghadir Event' by Ibn Hammad Abdi

  • The specifications of the Day of Ghadir

  • The communication of the Guardianship of the Commander of the believers, upon him be peace, during the whole course of the prophet-hood

  • The narrative of the Holy Imam Reza, upon him be peace, in the Assembly of Ma‘moon

  • The diversity of the Muslims at the time of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, and their belief in the Holiness

  • Omar’s reservation about the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, at Hadibeiia

  • Omar’s prevention the others to bring ink and pen and paper to the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants

  • The cases of Omar’s open objection to the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants,

  • The elegies of Marwan bin Abi-al-Jonub in minimizing the Household, upon them be peace

  • Omar’s opinion concerning the Imamate is as the opinion of Makiawel

  • Abu Sofian’s suggestion to Othman concerning the Guardianship

  • The chastity of the prophets are not inconsistent with their choice

  • In comparison, the attributes of the messengers are like the common people

  • The anxiety of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, of publicly announcing the Guardianship of the Commander of the believers

  • The elegy of Kompany, the miraculous sign of Allah,  on the case of Ghadir

  • The difficulties and the subsequent of tolerating the Guardianship

  • The calamities and seditions that befell the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace, after the demise of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants,

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    Lesson 94 to 97: Discussion and investigation on the sermon of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, on the Ghadir-e-Khum

  • The poems of Sahib bin Abbad on praising the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace

  • The descending of Gabriel at Ghadir-e-Khum and the halt of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants

  • The sermon of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, at Ghadir-e-Khum

  • Another sermon of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, at Ghadir-e-Khum

  • The congratulation of the Companions as well as the wives of of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, to the Commander of the believers, Upon Him be Peace

  • The narration of the Book “An-Nashr wa at-Taii” by the scholars of the Sunnite

  • The narration of arguments in the completion of the religion, Hajj and Guardianship

  • The occasions of revelation of the Chapter “Once a Questioner Asked about the oncoming chastisement"

  • The narrative by the Holiness Imam Baqir, upon him be peace, on the occasions of revelation of the Propaganda Verse

  • The narrative by the Holiness Imam Sadiq, upon him be peace, , on the occasions of revelation of the Propaganda Verse

  • The narrative of Feiz bin Mokhtar, on the occasions of revelation of the Propaganda Verse

  • The narrative of Ayyashi , on the occasions of revelation of the Propaganda Verse

  • The narrative of the Sheikhs of Sunnite, on the occasions of revelation of the Propaganda Verse

  • Discussion on the text of the Propaganda Verse

  • The anxiety of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, was not for his own safety

  • The descending of the Propaganda Verse was not in the beginning of the mission

  • The Command on the propaganda must be very important

  •  The propaganda verse ought to be after the circulation of Islam

  • The fright of the Messenger of Allah was that personal accusation

  • The commandment on the Guardianship is due to the laws of nature and intellect

  • The false statements of the Sunnite on the occasions of revelation of the Propaganda Verse

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    Lesson 98 to 101: On the Document of: من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه

  • Discussion on the Propaganda Verse, and the narrative of the Guardianship: two separate discussions

  • The elegy of Imam Zeidiiia Yemeni, al-Mansour Bellah

  • To constancy the rightfulness of the Commander of the believers in the history

  • The Sunnite Scholars who have written books on the event of Ghadir

  • The companions of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants, who have written books on the event of Ghadir

  • The individual books that have been written on the event of Ghadir

  • The statement of Sahib “Abaghat-al-Anwar” on the successive transmission of the event of Ghadir with the Sunnite

  • The statement of Al‘lāma Amini concerning the origins of the event of Ghadir

  • The historians who have related the event of Ghadir

  • The narrators that have narrated the event of Ghadir

  • The orators and writers who have related the event of Ghadir

  • The narrative by the Sunnite on the event of Ghadir

  • Abu Horaira’s confession on the event of Ghadir in front of Mua‘wiyah

  • The letter of Amru bin Aas to Mua‘wiyah included the event of Ghadir

  • The poems of Hissan bin Thabit in the presence of the Messenger of Allah, Bless be to Him and his Descendants

  • The learned who have repeated the poem of Hissan bin Thabit in Ghadir-e-Khum

  • The reasoning of the people of Siffin about the death of Ammar bin Yasir for the rightfulness of the Commander of the believers, upon him be peace

  • The story of ibn Ghaliia and the Hanbali’s jurisprudent concerning the visiting on the day of Ghadir

  • The narratives by the Shiite about the event of Ghadir

  • The statement on five characters of Islam that the Guardianship is the end

  • The sermon of Imam Hassan Mojtaba, upon him be peace, in the presence of Mua‘ wiya and pointing to Ghadir

  • Abu Hanifa’s rejecting the event of Ghadir; with his confession to the event of the event of Ghadir

  • The citation of the highnesses Fatima, upon her be peace, to the event of Ghadir

  • The occurrence of Ghadir is evident and the necessity of the history

  • The enmity of the westernized Sunnite about the event of Ghadir

  • The humility of the strangers in front of the personality of the Commander of the believers, upon him be peace.

  • The book of “Al-imamate and As-Seiasat, and Yanabi-al-Mawadda” was banned

  • The elegy of Komait, the poet of the Household, on the event of Ghadir

  • About the Hashemeiiat Elegies of Komait 

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    Lesson 102 to 105: On the Comment and Text of: من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه

  • The Commander of the believers’ Ghadir poems written on paper and delivered to Mua‘ wiya

  • The benefit of Imamate from the poems of Hassan and Komeit

  • The poems of Ghais bin Sa‘d bin Ebadat in the event of Ghadir

  • Homairi’s poems on Ghadir-e-Khum and the benefit of the Imamate

  • The poems of Sayyid Mortaza Alam-ul-Hoda regards the Ghadir and usage of the Imamt

  • The ability of Sayyid Mortaza in Arabic

  • The real meaning of “Master, and the Guardianship, and the usage of them

  • The statement of Abul Fath Razi on the meaning of “Master”

  • The statement of Sibt ibn Jauzi on the meaning of “Master”

  • The statement of Muhammad bin Talha Shafiee on the meaning of “Master”

  • The meanings of the Master amounting to twenty-seven

  • The purpose of Master in the event of Ghadir-e-Khum

  • “Master” in the event of Ghadir means “the former”

  • The poem of Akhtal, the Christian, on the praise of Abd-ul-Malik bin Marwan in the meaning of “Master”

  • The poems of Abu Tamam Taee and Abdi Kofi on Ghadir

  • The Arabs’ literatures have taken the meaning of “Maula” as the Imam and the former

  • An accurate explanation on the words مولى and اولى‏

  • Reasoning to the composition of Lobaid, in “Moallaghat Sab‘on the comment of “Maula”

  • Investigation in the real meanings of the word “Maula”

  • Fakhr Razi’s statement on the meanings of “Maula and the Former”

  • The statement of Al‘lāma Amini on rejecting Fakhr Razi’s opinion on “Maula”

  • The reasoning of Al‘lāma Amini that that the meaning of “Maula” is the Former

  • The reasoning of Mosahhif on the real meaning of “Maula”, the region of guarding and the name of the region

  • The narrative on the presenting the Commander of the believers, upon him be peace, to the people, as Joseph presented to the Egyptian women

  • The “الست اولي بكم مِن انفسكم” is also the commentator of the word “Maula”

  • The “اللهمّ وآلِ من ولاه” is also the meaning of Imamate from the word “Maula”

  • The manifest witnesses in the sermon which refers to the meaning of Imamate by the word “Maula”

  • The appointment of the Commander of the believers, upon him be peace, as the Guardian proves his Imamate

  • Sayyid Reza Hindi Arab’s elegy of Kauthar

  • Discussion on the Kauthar’s elegy as the last part of this book

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